Mangan Group members
We accept new graduate students through Northwestern's Ph.D program in Applied Mathematics. Please visit the ESAM department web page for details about how to apply to either program.
Interested undergraduates and postdoctoral scholars can send a CV and statement of interest via email:niall(dot)mangan(at)northwestern(dot)edu
Interested undergraduates and postdoctoral scholars can send a CV and statement of interest via email:niall(dot)mangan(at)northwestern(dot)edu
Maria Warns
ESAM Graduate Student, joint with Packman group Areas of Research: PDEs, Wastewater modeling, Uncertainty Qunatification |
Kathleen (Katie) Dreyer
CBE Graduate Student, joint with Josh Leonard Areas of Research: Dynamical systems modeling for regulatory networks, Mamalian Genetic Circuit design, Genetic Algorithms |
Christina Catlett
ESAM Graduate Student Areas of Research: Experimental design, Model reduction and selection, Metabolic Networks |
Manu Jayadharan, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow email, website Areas of Research: Sparse model selection, numerical analysis, high performance computing, financial derivative modeling, and scientific machine learning |
Former Members:
Sasha Shirman, PhD
Departmental Postdoctoral Fellow in Quantitative Biological Modeling Tech M446, email Areas of Research: Parameter Estimation and Data Assimilation for Dynamical Systems, Bayesian Methods Developmental Biology, Biofuels Next Steps: Senior Scientist in Modeling at Applied BioMath |
Keren Li, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, joint with Jiping Wang's group Areas of Research: Sparse Regression, Gaussian Graphic Models, Metabolic Networks, Statistical Methods for Data Assimilation in Quantitative Biology Next Step: Faculty at University of Alabama, Birmingham |
Joy Nyaanga, PhD
IBiS Graduate Student, joint with Andersen group, graduated Spring 2022 Areas of Research: Developmental Biology, Quantitative Biology, Dynamical Systems, Statistics Next Step: Senior Bioinformatician at Ann & Rober H. Lurie Children's hospital of Chicago |

Julie Nguyen
Graduate Student, Spring 2020- Spring 2022
Areas of Research: Sparse model selection, Optimization, Regulatory Networks
Graduate Student, Spring 2020- Spring 2022
Areas of Research: Sparse model selection, Optimization, Regulatory Networks
Jithin George, PhD
ESAM Graduate Student, graduated Fall 2024, website Areas of Research: Scientific Computing, Numerical Methods, Chemical Catalysis Next Step: Postdoc at Argonne National Lab |
Christina Goss (NU)
Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2019 - Spring 2021 Areas of Research: C. elegans development, physical/material modeling, population dynamics Nest step: Graduate program IMPRS for Physics of Biological and Complex Systems at Max Planck Matthew Cummings (U. Dayton)
Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2021 Areas of Research: metabolic pathways, reaction-diffusion equations, numerical and analytic analysis Next Step: Applied Optimization working with Additive Manufacturing (3D printing softwares) Matthew Sak (U. Kentucky)
Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2021 Areas of Research: metabolic pathways, reaction-diffusion equations, numerical and analytic analysis Zachary Crispino (Cornell)
Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2019 Areas of Research: Metabolic network analysis, thermodynamics, sparse regression. |
Andrew Yang (Brown)
Undergraduate Researcher, Fall 2022- Spring 2023 Areas of research: Image processing, information theory, C. elegans |
Jocelyn Zonnnefeld (Dordt University)
Undergraduate Researcher NSF SynBREU program, Summer 2023 Areas of Research: Genetic algorithms, mamalian genetic circuit design |
Ava Penn (Caltech)
Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2023 Areas of research: Nonlinear optimization, sparse model selection, dynamical systems |